Timing Is Everything
Ever feel like everything is finally getting better and then something happens that turns your life upside down? Well that's what I'm going through right now. God has put a lot on my heart in the past two weeks. He's broken it, taken people out of my life, put people in it, weakened me, but also made me stronger. God has a plan for me, and even though I am unsure of what it is I am going to trust Him. Yesterday I had a mini break down, thinking about classes and everything everyone has told me. I know so many people believe in me. They believe that I can succeed up here, but theres also been a lot of negative people saying I can't do this and that I will come home. I try to not let peoples negative thoughts get to me. God gave me this chance because He knows I can do this He knows I'm strong enough. God has also put me here as part of my healing. For the last couple of months God has been calling me. He has been saying " Mallorie, come close to me, Mallorie, le...