
Showing posts from November, 2012

Dancing Away

I have always felt broken, I have always felt lost. I am the girl that never could find love any where she looked for it. I was always searching. I was never good enough. I always felt like nothing I ever did would ever be good enough for anyone. I was hurting and aching inside. I thought I was dying. I never understood love or true love. I thought no one would ever or could ever love me because of the things I have done. I felt ashamed and dirty. I always walked around with my head down, broken on the inside. Guys made me feel like trash the way they treated me. I started to fall into so many lies about myself. Lies like I'm not pretty enough or that I'm not smart enough, lies like I'll never find what love is. I have literally had guy after guy after guy come in and just play with my heart, and then leave and I don't want that. As a girl all we want is love. We want to know love and we want to be loved. I gave up on everything, I just kept thinking I would never find ...

Attention ALL Girls

So I'm not sure if you girls know this or not, but YOU are so beyond loved. God loves you so much! He thinks you are so beyond beautiful. He loves everything about you. The things that guys have hated about you, Jesus loves them. The things that girls don't like about you, Jesus loves them to. The things you don't love about you, Jesus loves them also. EVERYTHING about you He loves. The Father takes great delight in His children, but you think about it : the Father seriously loves His daughters. The love of the Father is so important. It is the only love that will satisfy your every need and your every want. The greatest thing about God's love for us is that you don't have to do anything to obtain it. That is the true beauty, He gives us love even when we don't want it. I just recently learned that the Father pursued my heart for a very long  time. He never forced me to come to Him or to accept His love. He pursues His daughters in the purest way because He know...