Dancing Away
I have always felt broken, I have always felt lost. I am the girl that never could find love any where she looked for it. I was always searching. I was never good enough. I always felt like nothing I ever did would ever be good enough for anyone. I was hurting and aching inside. I thought I was dying. I never understood love or true love. I thought no one would ever or could ever love me because of the things I have done. I felt ashamed and dirty. I always walked around with my head down, broken on the inside. Guys made me feel like trash the way they treated me. I started to fall into so many lies about myself. Lies like I'm not pretty enough or that I'm not smart enough, lies like I'll never find what love is. I have literally had guy after guy after guy come in and just play with my heart, and then leave and I don't want that. As a girl all we want is love. We want to know love and we want to be loved. I gave up on everything, I just kept thinking I would never find ...