I Will Pursue You
No matter how hard we think life gets it actually is never that hard. Some times I look back at how my life used to be, it was a complete mess and I was a train wreck waiting to happen. Now that I have Jesus in my life I have had this outrageous revelation that nothing is that hard since I have the Father. The love and the peace that He gives freely is simply amazing. It is amazing how free I am in the presence of God. He frees His children, we can come to Him just as we are and stand in front of Him and just be free! Sometimes I feel like people do not get that. There is no restrictions on you when you are with the One who made you. I have been going through quiet a bit since Christmas break but, I have been trying to stay so positive. I have been reading the word, praying, and journaling but I still felt so discouraged. Jesus has the perfect ways of talking to His children though. This week has been Spiritual Emphasis Week. Last semester at Spiritual Emphasis Week I remember I had a ...