I Will Pursue You
No matter how hard we think life gets it actually is never that hard. Some times I look back at how my life used to be, it was a complete mess and I was a train wreck waiting to happen. Now that I have Jesus in my life I have had this outrageous revelation that nothing is that hard since I have the Father. The love and the peace that He gives freely is simply amazing. It is amazing how free I am in the presence of God. He frees His children, we can come to Him just as we are and stand in front of Him and just be free! Sometimes I feel like people do not get that. There is no restrictions on you when you are with the One who made you. I have been going through quiet a bit since Christmas break but, I have been trying to stay so positive. I have been reading the word, praying, and journaling but I still felt so discouraged. Jesus has the perfect ways of talking to His children though. This week has been Spiritual Emphasis Week. Last semester at Spiritual Emphasis Week I remember I had a life change. I had that life changing moment that was completely all because of God. Spiritual Emphasis Week is so dear to my heart because of that. Well Wednesday night I had so much homework I was not able to make it to campus church. Tonight on the other hand I was able to go, and I am telling you, God wanted me there tonight. Clayton King talked about being discouraged and how when you are discouraged it is hard to get out of it, or to think that it will ever get better. This morning I realized no matter what I am feeling if i chase after God I will find Him, and that just plays more into not being discouraged. Clayton King said this tonight and it really affected me " The pit or the prison that you are in may be for your protection. Maybe you are there because the Lord is trying to protect you from something that could have really hurt you." That right there hit me right in the chest, and I started to think about all the things that have been going on, and the pit I felt like I was in. I started to notice God has me here to protect me not to harm me. I am where I am so God can protect, and reform me. God is not only doing crazy work in me, He is doing work all over this campus. As a shocking surprise tonight Clayton King called up people tonight to be prayed over for healing. This normally does not happen at Liberty, but Gods starting a revival on this campus and that is why it happened tonight. It was so beautiful to see so many people at complete surrender to God and letting people pray over them to be healed. A guy named Noah that has had a 3 year leg injury was miraculously healed tonight!!! He was on crutches at first but, by the end of the night he was jumping and walking without crutches. Are God is so faithful. He heals his children not because He has to but because He chooses to. He also loves all of His children with an unfathomable love. The love that Jesus has for us we can never and will never comprehend because it is that great. Do you know how loved you are?? From all of this I have taken away that even when I am discouraged or when I don't "feel" God that does not mean that He is not there. I have chosen to pursue the One who pursues me. I will pursue my Father. In James 4:8 it says " come close to God and He will come close to you." It is so true that when we come close to our Father, He is going to pull close to us. When we seek to know Him and His heart we find Him. So to any of you who are discouraged or burnt out or just feeling like it is never going to get better remember this : When you faithfully go after God and ask him for more, or ask Him to come you will find Him and get what you ask for. God is using this period in your life to show, and teach you certain things and He is not going to take you out of this period until you learn what He is teaching you. So be teachable and allow God to be the great teacher He is and speak to you.
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