Oh, You Hold me, Forever You Hold Me.

Today in Convocation I heard a song and it said "Lord Your love it runs so deep every breath You breathe in me You don't give up on me and as long as my heart beats I know You will carry me You don't give up on me." This song means so much to me because I used to be so prideful and self-righteous that I though God had given up on me and I was a lost cause. That not even Jesus could forgive me and cleanse me of my sins. I know a lot of people that also say," I'm too far gone." But do they know that by saying this they are saying, "What Jesus did on the cross is not big enough to cover my sins." 

Do you realize what you say when you say Jesus would not even forgive you for the things that you do. You are disrespecting God and telling Him He is not powerful enough. God is ALL MIGHTY! He is so powerful He does not even need us, He wants us. God does not give up on His children, not a single one of us. God pursues us in the purest way there is. He never once leaves our sides, no matter what we are doing, or going through. He pursues and runs after His children, but never once does God push Himself on us. He has never tried to force Himself on us at all. He lets us choose when we come to Him.   

Some times it is hard to get over what You have done in the past, it is hard to accept as a human, but after you ask for forgiveness God has forgiven and forgotten. Satan is going to throw guilt and shame into our face to try to make us feel awful, but God says,"No, I have cleansed you My son or daughter. I have wiped away all your shame, I have forgiven you. Now all you have to do is accept My Love, and Mercy, and Grace, and forgive yourself. 

We make excuses to not come to Christ because we are so stuck in sin that we think that it is more fun than the life that Jesus can offer us, and even when we are stuck in our sin and the bottom of the pit God is standing right beside us waiting for us to turn to Him. Once we turn from our sin and accept Jesus we die to ourselves. In Galatians 2:20 it says,"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Christ lives in you and you are dead to yourself.

Does this mean you will never sin? No, this does not mean you will never sin. We are human, we are flawed you do not have to be perfect to come be a follower of Jesus. We all make mistakes, but thats when God forgives us. We just have a love for Him and we follow the law, and love the word, and pray, and worship our dad. He wants to come into intimacy with us, He wants to be with us and us be in Him. He gave all He had to get close to us. His love and grace and mercy is so great no matter what we do we can be forgiven. In Daniel 9:9 it says," The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him." God loves you! He wants to forgive you all you have to do is ask for it, and turn from your sin. 

Our God is relentless. God did everything He could to get close to us. He relentlessly pursued us, and always has, and always will. I do not know about you, but for me that is comforting to know. He gives us grace, mercy, and love everyday, but it is our choice to reach out and say,"God I receive all that you have for me today." God says,"My grace will win, My mercy will win, My love will win, because I want them. " Do you see God as relentless? He is relentless for you. He is constantly pursuing you. 

SO as you sit there saying," God cannot save me, I am too far gone, I do not deserve Him, I cannot be saved, He does not want someone like me." Think before you speak. He does want you. He does not care where you have been. Do not feel as if you have to get rid of your bags and then come to Jesus come to Jesus and He will empty your pages for you. He will take everything that you have and make it new. He will never leave nor forsake you, and He is always with you. He holds you in his hands, forever He holds you. Bring your life, your heart, your bags, your brokenness, all you can give and lay it at his feet and He will do the rest for you! Now thats an awesome God!!! 

Mallorie Wohlers 


  1. The beautiful thing is; when you are crucified with Christ, it is impossible to work! A dead body can't earn any wages, it is rendered completely ineffective. The same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead gives my dead body life. Every breath, every act of service, love, and obedience is the immediate result of our resurrected savior Jesus Christ! The more I abandon myself to Him the more his power is realized in my life. Glory, Honor, and praise be to Him, my King and savior Jesus Christ!

    I loved your post Mallorie :)

  2. I tried googling the song and I can't find it anywhere.I attended a celebrate recovery summit over this week an I heard this son

    1. The song is called "You Hold Me" by Liberty Campus Band. You can check out the video on YouTube or listen to the song for free on Spotify


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