
Showing posts from 2012

I Go Back

Seriously, as i look down the hallway of M-28 I go back. I see bags, and desks, and all kinds of things outside the girls rooms. It takes me back to that first day. The day that I left home, and all the people I cared about to come to a place where I knew no one. I was coming to a place where everything would be different and I would be making a new home, and meeting strangers. Well now it is like that going back to Alabama. I said goodbye to a lot of my friends today. Some I will see in a month and others I won't because God has other plans for them. I said goodbye to my best friend Taylor today. I know we will have so many more crazy adventures with each other, but I still cried that she was leaving. She is my best friend and I wouldn't want it any other way. I said goodbye to Collin today, knowing he will not be coming back because he will be in Uganda next semester. I love him to death, he is basically like my brother, and it really hurts to see him go, but I know Gods got ...

Dancing Away

I have always felt broken, I have always felt lost. I am the girl that never could find love any where she looked for it. I was always searching. I was never good enough. I always felt like nothing I ever did would ever be good enough for anyone. I was hurting and aching inside. I thought I was dying. I never understood love or true love. I thought no one would ever or could ever love me because of the things I have done. I felt ashamed and dirty. I always walked around with my head down, broken on the inside. Guys made me feel like trash the way they treated me. I started to fall into so many lies about myself. Lies like I'm not pretty enough or that I'm not smart enough, lies like I'll never find what love is. I have literally had guy after guy after guy come in and just play with my heart, and then leave and I don't want that. As a girl all we want is love. We want to know love and we want to be loved. I gave up on everything, I just kept thinking I would never find ...

Attention ALL Girls

So I'm not sure if you girls know this or not, but YOU are so beyond loved. God loves you so much! He thinks you are so beyond beautiful. He loves everything about you. The things that guys have hated about you, Jesus loves them. The things that girls don't like about you, Jesus loves them to. The things you don't love about you, Jesus loves them also. EVERYTHING about you He loves. The Father takes great delight in His children, but you think about it : the Father seriously loves His daughters. The love of the Father is so important. It is the only love that will satisfy your every need and your every want. The greatest thing about God's love for us is that you don't have to do anything to obtain it. That is the true beauty, He gives us love even when we don't want it. I just recently learned that the Father pursued my heart for a very long  time. He never forced me to come to Him or to accept His love. He pursues His daughters in the purest way because He know...

Outrageous Love of the Father

Your love for me is outrageous. Your passion for me burns like a fire. You long for me to run to You with my hearts every desire. You comfort me in pain and You take all my fear and pride. You have washed away my shame and now my wedding dress is whiter. You hold me close in the darkness, You wipe away my tears. You have never left my side You have been there through the years. Your Presence is always with me. Your always by my side. You overwhelm me with Your love even when my heart denied it. Lord, You have taken such good care of me loving me the way no one else could or ever will. God, You have captivated my heart and You have brought me to a place I can be still! Daddy You lead me along streams, You walked with me hand and hand. You strengthen me when I need it and You pick  me up when I can not stand. Daddy no one has ever loved me and cared for me the way you do. No one has ever been so forgiving and no one has ever been so true. You are my Rock, my Foundation, my Resting Pl...

God is enough

I woke up today, just like any other day expecting nothing to happen. I mean I went to classes, spent time with Jesus and hung out with my friends just like any other day. I woke up still sick like I have been for the past week. I have been taking medicine for my cough and praying that it be gone. I had randomly coughed all day, not thinking anything of it. My day was great actually, just resting in my Fathers love. Tonight I went to campus church instead of Lhop. I sat with my friends Ryan and Brennan. Campus church started off normal like any other church service usually has. Great worship, just pouring my whole heart out to my Daddy and just really asking for more trust in Him. After worship was done and the speaker came up, I started coughing really bad. It got to the point where I couldn't breathe all I was doing was wheezing. I felt like I was being choked I could not get any air down my throat. So Ryan helped me out the door and to a bathroom and I was trying to drink water ...

Praise to the One Mighty God

God is so faithful. His love is so faithful and abundant. He knows how to pour out His love into me, and over floods my heart with it. You know Daddy God is so good, He never stops pursuing after us. He is constantly loving us and trying to reach out to us, but we have to see that and grasp it. God will come to us. He will respond to your prayers, your wants, and your needs. We are His children and He always comes to His children's plea. Lately God has done crazy, marvelous things in my life. He has been filling me up so I could go pour out to others. He's just always putting something new on my heart. My prayers have never been so long or so bold or so open. The closer you get with God though the prayers flow out. Last night in the Prayer Chapel on campus after a Bible Study students were in there praying to God that He would give us someone to pray for when we went to Walmart. Me being someone that has never prayed out loud really I just asked for boldness. I asked to make a ...

My Testimony

My name is Mallorie and I am 19 years old. What I'm about to write will probably come as a shock to most, but this is my testimony and God is telling me I need to share it. So, here we go. When I was a young girl I was always at church on Sundays. I don't remember either one of my parents having the strongest relationship with Christ, but I was also very young. I do know that both of my parents are different and way more godly people then they used to be. Now they both have great relationships with Christ and they pour into me. When I was about five or six though my dad left. He left my mom, me and my brothers for another woman. Obviously I was so young I didn't understand what was going on, all I knew was that daddy was gone and things were different. I saw my mom cry and hurt in a way i never want to see her hurt again. I hated it, I felt empty, a little girl growing up without her dad. Going back and forth from mom's house to dad's house just got old. I wanted a ...

A Here and Now Thing

Lately I have noticed with all that has gone on in the last two months that I was stupid to ever think I could do anything on my own without God. Life is hard, and it is supposed to be. Some how we are always busy and never have time to sit and really just have time with God. The time we share with Him is so precious. It can uplift your whole day. God speaks to us when we are willing to listen and you can't talk to God unless you make time for Him. My problem lately is that I have tried to hide parts of my heart from God. As silly as that sounds, yes I thought I could do that. I struggle with wanting love and affection just as any other girl does. As girls we long to have intimacy, to be loved, to get attention. We long to be wanted by someone. Too often as girls we try to thrust that on a man, and act like it is his duty to make us feel loved and wanted and to satisfy our hearts every desire. That right there is selfish on our parts. We know no man could ever fulfill our every wan...

Timing Is Everything

Ever feel like everything is finally getting better and then something happens that turns your life upside down? Well that's what I'm going through right now. God has put a lot on my heart in the past two weeks. He's broken it, taken people out of my life, put people in it, weakened me, but also made me stronger. God has a plan for me, and even though I am unsure of what it is I am going to trust Him. Yesterday I had a mini break down, thinking about classes and everything everyone has told me. I know so many people believe in me. They believe that I can succeed up here, but theres also been a lot of negative people saying I can't do this and that I will come home. I try to not let peoples negative thoughts get to me. God gave me this chance because He knows I can do this He knows I'm strong enough. God has also put me here as part of my healing. For the last couple of months God has been calling me. He has been saying " Mallorie, come close to me, Mallorie, le...

Jesus is giving you a chance, don't waste it.

1 Peter 1:13 says " Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be serious and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revolution of Jesus Christ." That verse right there tells you to ready your mind, be educated, be smart. And as I move closer and closer to my classes actually starting I can feel the excitement growing. I am excited and nervous, full of questions at this point. I have met so many people, and I was so glad to finally meet someone from the same state! I met Mary Grace Owen last night, turns out she is my dorm sister, and this is exciting for me. Not only is it exciting because she is from Alabama, but also she has my cousins name. Here at Liberty they put enphasis on building relationships, not only a relationship with Christ but the other believers that make up the body of Christ. To help out with meeting people they have brother dorms for the girls. Every girl dorm has a "brother dorm" which is basically a guy dorm that t...

The Saddest Goodbye.

August 14,2012 - My first offical night on my own. I've waited so long for this moment. I've waited so long for this day. I've begged and pleaded for time to fly by so i could get here. I've dreamed of always being on my own like a big girl. Always wanted to make my own rules, and never wanted to answer to anyone. Well now that this time is here I ask myself " Mallorie, is this what you've been waiting for? To leave everyone you love behind? To go off on your own, and not have your parents around?" Ya, I did wish for this every day of my life, but now that it is here I want to go back. I want to go back to when I was little and my summers were spent on the farm with grandma, and Madison. I want to go back to when Bob would dress up like Santa on Christmas Eve. I want to go back to the nights when my mom tucked me into bed and read I Love You This Much  to me. I want to go back to my care-free high school days when class was a complete joke. I want my frien...