God is enough

I woke up today, just like any other day expecting nothing to happen. I mean I went to classes, spent time with Jesus and hung out with my friends just like any other day. I woke up still sick like I have been for the past week. I have been taking medicine for my cough and praying that it be gone. I had randomly coughed all day, not thinking anything of it. My day was great actually, just resting in my Fathers love. Tonight I went to campus church instead of Lhop. I sat with my friends Ryan and Brennan. Campus church started off normal like any other church service usually has. Great worship, just pouring my whole heart out to my Daddy and just really asking for more trust in Him. After worship was done and the speaker came up, I started coughing really bad. It got to the point where I couldn't breathe all I was doing was wheezing. I felt like I was being choked I could not get any air down my throat. So Ryan helped me out the door and to a bathroom and I was trying to drink water from the sink. I was so scared because my chest hurt so bad and I was coughing and couldn't breathe. I literally felt like I was dying. I have never not been able to breathe. It has to be the scariest thing ever. I just started thinking what if I never catch my breath again. What if this is it. As I was just sobbing and trying to get air Ryan was praying over me. I was so desperate for my Daddy to just sweep down and pour His love over me and heal me. I soon began to panic just because I had gone so long with out breathing I felt so weak. I was so beyond scared, I never have had that happen to me, and I had no clue what to do. I was shaking badly and Ryan was just steady in prayer. I remember looking in the mirror and my face being so red it was unreal. I knew my God is faithful and there was no doubt in my mind that He was going to give me my breath back, but i needed it and I needed it soon. Believe it or not soon I was able to get a little bit of air at a time. I was just praying in my head to my Father to just sweep in and heal me, to restore my lungs, to let me breathe. I couldn't really talk because every time I did I felt like it was about to happen again. I hated the whole experience, but it really showed me something I already knew, just kind of gave me a better understanding. God has His hands on us, He will never let anything hurt His children! He had me the whole time, He breathed life back into me when I couldn't even get air. His love for us is so beyond amazing. Jesus was really there with me tonight holding my in His arms. I am also so thankful for a friend like Ryan that could stay so calm and just pray for me like he did. God is blessing me in so many ways, and I do not want to take that for granted. My God is doing big things in my life. I am totally in love with Him. I just pray in Jesus name that the shortage of breathe and gasping of air does not come back. I know I have nothing to fear though because there is never anything too big for my Daddy God to handle. My Aba Father is the healer of all, and my protector. God is so good, I just want to praise Him for keeping me so safe during all this. This is just another reason to PRAISE GOD!!!! He kept me safe and it brought me to a new level of trust with my Father. I asked for deeper connection, deeper intimacy, and a deeper trust and I am receiving it. So far since church I have been short of breath, but I am going to keep praying that it is gone and doesn't come back! Jesus is so good. He helped me in a scary time. Just remember you can go to Him with anything. He is a faithful God and He will not let you down or let anything harm you. He loves His children! God is so great I can't even explain it, and His love for us is just radical! It's so amazing and mind blowing how much God actually loves and cares for us! All praise be to God


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