
Showing posts from September, 2012

My Testimony

My name is Mallorie and I am 19 years old. What I'm about to write will probably come as a shock to most, but this is my testimony and God is telling me I need to share it. So, here we go. When I was a young girl I was always at church on Sundays. I don't remember either one of my parents having the strongest relationship with Christ, but I was also very young. I do know that both of my parents are different and way more godly people then they used to be. Now they both have great relationships with Christ and they pour into me. When I was about five or six though my dad left. He left my mom, me and my brothers for another woman. Obviously I was so young I didn't understand what was going on, all I knew was that daddy was gone and things were different. I saw my mom cry and hurt in a way i never want to see her hurt again. I hated it, I felt empty, a little girl growing up without her dad. Going back and forth from mom's house to dad's house just got old. I wanted a

A Here and Now Thing

Lately I have noticed with all that has gone on in the last two months that I was stupid to ever think I could do anything on my own without God. Life is hard, and it is supposed to be. Some how we are always busy and never have time to sit and really just have time with God. The time we share with Him is so precious. It can uplift your whole day. God speaks to us when we are willing to listen and you can't talk to God unless you make time for Him. My problem lately is that I have tried to hide parts of my heart from God. As silly as that sounds, yes I thought I could do that. I struggle with wanting love and affection just as any other girl does. As girls we long to have intimacy, to be loved, to get attention. We long to be wanted by someone. Too often as girls we try to thrust that on a man, and act like it is his duty to make us feel loved and wanted and to satisfy our hearts every desire. That right there is selfish on our parts. We know no man could ever fulfill our every wan