A Here and Now Thing

Lately I have noticed with all that has gone on in the last two months that I was stupid to ever think I could do anything on my own without God. Life is hard, and it is supposed to be. Some how we are always busy and never have time to sit and really just have time with God. The time we share with Him is so precious. It can uplift your whole day. God speaks to us when we are willing to listen and you can't talk to God unless you make time for Him. My problem lately is that I have tried to hide parts of my heart from God. As silly as that sounds, yes I thought I could do that. I struggle with wanting love and affection just as any other girl does. As girls we long to have intimacy, to be loved, to get attention. We long to be wanted by someone. Too often as girls we try to thrust that on a man, and act like it is his duty to make us feel loved and wanted and to satisfy our hearts every desire. That right there is selfish on our parts. We know no man could ever fulfill our every want and need, yet we act as if they can.  We put too much pressure on having relationships that we miss out on the friendships we could be having with wonderful guys. God and God alone is the only one that could ever fulfill every want and need of our heart, and thats exactly what God wants to do. He longs for us to be intimate with Him. He longs to shower us with His love and blessings we just have to accept it and let Him. Now I am not saying I'm not guilty of this because I am, but I am saying that I am giving God that part of my heart that I have been trying to hide. I am giving him the part that I've held back for so long. I am going to start letting God love me. He satisfies our every need, and He would never cause you harm. I mean the love of God is so much more amazing than the love anyone on earth could give us. God's love is a waterfall that just pours out over us and never stops. Finally realizing all this today has actually helped with things. I can't find my identity in a guy, I can't base my identity on my past, I can't find it in anything but Jesus, and Jesus alone. Every girl needs to understand this, you can not find who you are in a guy. It just doesn't happen. So often girls get hurt because they try to find themselves in a guy. They think that it isn't ok to be alone. It is ok to be alone. Sometimes is the best thing for you. Just because you are alone doesn't mean you are not liked, you're just simply healing and letting God take control. The more you force things the worse they get. I've realized this. Being here at Liberty has brought so many things I have been dealing with up and now it is time to face them. If you never face your problems they never go away. God has reasons, and timing for everything and if you go by that and trust in the Lord you will find true happiness. My heart yearns for affection, and i have made the mistake of trying to find it in others. That just hurt me more. So this time around my heart still yearning for affection and love I'm giving it to Jesus. I am letting the one who made me love me. It is such a powerful thing to. In 2 Samuel 22:31 it says " God- His way is perfect. All the Lord's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection."  Thats been in my mind since I saw it. It is such encouragement to read that and know He is protecting me.


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