Attention ALL Girls

So I'm not sure if you girls know this or not, but YOU are so beyond loved. God loves you so much! He thinks you are so beyond beautiful. He loves everything about you. The things that guys have hated about you, Jesus loves them. The things that girls don't like about you, Jesus loves them to. The things you don't love about you, Jesus loves them also. EVERYTHING about you He loves. The Father takes great delight in His children, but you think about it : the Father seriously loves His daughters. The love of the Father is so important. It is the only love that will satisfy your every need and your every want. The greatest thing about God's love for us is that you don't have to do anything to obtain it. That is the true beauty, He gives us love even when we don't want it. I just recently learned that the Father pursued my heart for a very long  time. He never forced me to come to Him or to accept His love. He pursues His daughters in the purest way because He knows how fragile our hearts are. He is gentle with us and our hearts. He treats them with care. He isn't a harsh Father like some people think. He is so good. The way He loves us is just mind blowing. In the Bible it says delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. That is so true, He will give us the desires of our hearts because He put them there. God knows every single desire of our hearts, even the ones we don't tell Him. It is because He created us to have those desires. No man could ever love you the way the Father does. He literally just wants to romance all of His daughters. We are princesses of the King of Kings. Just soak in the fact that you are a princess and you are so beyond loved for a minute. Let it sink in that He loves you so much He sent His son to die for you. He sees us as pure. He sees no blemish in us. No matter what we have done or what we are going to do Jesus still loves us and sees His daughters as pure. He wants us to come away with Him and just be alone with Him. He desires a deep intimacy with us that no one else has. Seriously, falling in love with the Lord is the best thing ever. He is our first love and that is beautiful. Your first love always means the most to you. Your first love is the one you can never stop loving even if you tried. Falling back in love with my first love, Jesus, has been the most amazing experience. Not only has He taken me by my heart, but He has taken me by my hand and is leading me through life. I don't have to fear anything of the world because I know Jesus has me. He is the most amazing Father. He yearns and longs for me, just as He yearns and longs for His other daughters. You are His beloved. Think about it, He will never lie to you. He is a man of His word and will never ever let you down. Everyone and every thing else will let you down, but your Father will not. He will always respect you. His love is the realest love there is. Jesus is seriously the best go to. He will listen to you any time and where. He is never not listening. Open your heart to Him because He will never ever hurt you. You can trust Him. When you don't know what to do wait on God. He will show you. I have been going through that a lot lately. Just remember waiting on God doesn't mean sitting around doing nothing. It means digging ever harder and deeper into His word. He gave us to Bible for a reason, so we need to us it. The more you ask the more you receive along as your intentions are right. God protects us from danger, and all the things we ask for protection over. Everyone can hurt you, and leave scars, and wounds, but Jesus can and will heal them. He takes all pain away and gives perfect peace in the midst of all our trials. God is just so good and His love is the only love that will never leave you broken, or feeling empty. No man's love could ever compare. Just remember this, YOU are LOVED, so so so LOVED by the Father.


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